
Seniors & Disabled

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Old woman and caregiver having tea together
2 February 2023

5 Self Care Tips for Caregivers

Caring for your loved one is one of the hardest jobs in the world. However, just like any flight attendant will explain, it is important that you put on your mask before helping the person next to you.

Senior woman & her daughter sitting in living room together, embracing & smiling over tea.
nurse helping senior woman with walker
21 September 2022

14 Fall Prevention Products for Hospitals

In the United Kingdom, falls are the most reported incident that impact inpatients at hospitals. Data collected by the National Audit of Inpatient Falls found an average of 247,000 falls happen each year in United Kingdom hospitals. No one wants to see their patients get hurt. Find helpful products to help decrease the risk of falls in your hospital!

Shower Chairs
30 April 2021

The Best Shower Chairs & Bath Aids for Seniors

As you get older, it may be difficult to stand or keep your balance while in the shower. A shower chair or bath bench offers the support you need while bathing. With so many options, it can be difficult to decide on the right chair or bench. This guide will help you pick the best option for your space!