What’s the Best Choice for Strength Training at Home Resistance Bands or Dumbbells?

woman using resistance bands at home
8 September 2022
What’s the Best Choice for Strength Training at Home Resistance Bands or Dumbbells?

Having a hard time purchasing dumbbells? Are they out of stock, out of your price range, or maybe they would take up too much space in your apartment?

Trying to find the best alternative to going to the gym while still being safe at home?

We’ve got the perfect solution – resistance bands! They are equally effective compared to traditional weight -lifting and low impact to protect your joints. A wide range of resistances allows you to use them for everything from rehabilitation to strength training.

Learn more about why we recommend using resistance bands instead of dumbbells!

Key Takeaways

  • Elastic resistance promotes similar strength gains and an equal effectiveness when compared to conventional resistance equipment.
  • THERABAND® CLX® Resistance Bands not only provide similar muscle activity compared to weight training, but they also offer a wide variety of additional benefits.
  • For a greater challenge during your next workout, add resistance bands to your existing dumbbell or bodyweight exercises.

Are Resistance Bands Really as Effective as Free Weights?

Check out how THERABAND Resistance Bands compare to traditional dumbbells!


Choose Your Resistance Band!

Start Exercising!

What if you already have dumbbells at home? You can still add resistance bands

Are Resistance Bands Really as Effective as Free Weights?

What does Research Say?

One meta-study looked at data from 8 studies that compared conventional strength training devices (dumbbells and weight machines) and elastic resistance (THERABAND resistance bands and tubes). The study found that elastic resistance promoted similar strength gains and an equal effectiveness when compared to conventional resistance equipment.2

What Do the Consumers Say?

"I ordered dumbbells for my wife for her birthday, but they were backordered for months. In the interim, we utilized the THERABAND CLX and the THERABAND High Resistance bands. I was able to get a great workout without dumbbells. We now have both dumbbells and resistance bands, if I would have known I could have saved some time and money!” - Brendon, Consumer

Check out how THERABAND Resistance Bands compare to traditional dumbbells!

THERABAND Progression System


THERABAND CLX not only provide similar muscle activity compared to weight training, but they also offer a wide variety of additional benefits. For example, the bands offer a lower amount of force on the joints, reducing the risk of injury and making them an ideal option for people with arthritis. Find out more reasons to consider using these resistance bands:

  • Save Money- Resistance bands offer an inexpensive alternative to dumbbells and weight machines, plus they save you space in your home gym
  • Great for Travel - Throw a resistance band in your bag next time you're traveling, they don't take up a lot of space in and you can use them to work out in your hotel room or outdoors
  • Use for a Variety of Exercises - Resistance bands can be used for single and multi-plane exercises offering a greater variety than dumbbells alone
  • Easy to Grip – The CLX band can be used for open and closed hand grip exercises and simultaneous upper and lower body exercises thanks to its looped design
  • Improves Strength and Athletic Performance - The bands are highly effective for strength and athletic training

In fact, CNET named our THERABAND Professional Non-Latex Resistance Band Set the best non-latex resistance bands. Our popular THERABAND CLX Resistance Bands are also non-latex! You can read CNET’s review here.

Choose your resistance band!

Depending on your abilities, goals, and current workout routine, the THERABAND CLX might be best for you.

Start exercising!

Now that you’ve chosen your resistance band, you’re ready to get started. Resistance bands can be used for upper and lower body exercises. Here are some ideas to get you started!


If you’ve chosen a THERABAND CLX Resistance Band, you can get started with this 7 minute CLX workout!

Follow along with the video or use the written instructions below. From squats to tricep extensions, you can see the wide variety of exercises that resistance bands allow you to perform during this full body workout.

CLX Squat to Overhead Press

clx squat to overhead press

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Raise your hands up to shoulder height and lower into a squatting position. Keep your knees parallel to the floor and sit back like you're sitting into a chair.
  • Stand up and bring your arms up above your head in a press.
  • Repeat the full body movement moving from a squat to a press and back.

CLX Bird Dog

CLX bird dog

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Get into position on all fours, resting on your hands and knees. Extend your left leg and right arm at the same time until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly return. Switch sides and repeat the movement.

CLX Upright Row

clx upright row

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and cross the CLX band in front of you forming an ‘X.’
  • Grip one of the end loops in each hand. Stand in a slightly bent over position.
  • Pull the CLX band up to about chin height, then return to your starting position.

CLX Lateral Straight Leg Raise

CLX lateral straight leg raise

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand. Raise your hands up to shoulder height.
  • Raise your arms up above your head. Keep your left arm straight overhead, keep your right arm straight and lower it to your side even with your shoulder.
  • At the same time, balance on your left leg and bring your right leg up and out to the side
  • Return to your starting position and repeat (for a challenge, remain balancing throughout the exercise). Switch sides and repeat.

CLX Sit to Stand

CLX sit to stand

  • Sit on a chair without resting your back on the backrest. Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops, with the loops closer to your toes.
  • Hold one end loop up your arm to each shoulder and stand up.
  • Sit back down slowly, just touching the edge of the chair before standing back up. Repeat, keeping your core tight throughout the exercise.

CLX Front Raise

clx front raises

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With your palms facing the floor, lift your arms up in front of your body to shoulder height.
  • Keep your core tight during this exercise. Slowly lower your arms down to their starting position and repeat.

CLX Tricep Extension

clx tricep extension

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Stand with a slight bend in the knees. Bend at your arms so your hands are near your shoulders.
  • Kickback, extending your arms behind you and squeezing your triceps and repeat.

CLX Pressing Fast Feet

clx tricep extension

  • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
  • Start lifting your feet in a fast-feet motion and press your arms out like you’re pushing someone away.
  • Bring your arms back in and repeat, continuing to do fast-feet throughout the exercise.

What if you already have dumbbells at home? You can still add resistance bands!

neoprene dumbells

For a greater challenge during your next workout, add resistance bands to your existing dumbbell or bodyweight exercises. It increases difficulty levels and can turn a dumbbell exercise that only works one muscle group into a full body workout.

Check out these dumbbell + resistance band exercises!

  • DB x CLX Squat
    • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
    • Place dumbbells in each hand, and raise your arms out straight at shoulder height.
      • Option: Straighten arms so that they are at your side. This will be easier due to the amount of resistance on the band.
    • Lower into a squatting position. Keep your knees parallel to the floor and sit back like you're sitting into a chair.
  • DB x CLX Sit to Stand
    • Sit on a chair without resting your back on the backrest. Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops, with the loops closer to your toes.
    • While holding each end loop, grab both dumbbells and rest them at shoulder height. Press equally through both feet and stand up.
    • Sit back down slowly just touching the edge of the chair before standing back up. Repeat, keeping your core tight throughout the exercise.
  • DB x CLX Front Raise
    • Place each foot into one of the center CLX loops and hold one end loop in each hand.
    • Use one dumbbell for this exercise and hold one end of the dumbbell in each hand.
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. While holding the dumbbell, lift your arms up in front of your body to shoulder height.
    • Keep your core tight during this exercise. Slowly lower your arms down to their starting position and repeat.
  • DB x Resistance Band Bicep Curl
    • Begin by standing on the band with both feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Hold the band and dumbbells with both hands, palms facing up toward the ceiling.
    • Keep your core and glutes engaged through this whole exercise – like a standing plank.
    • Curl your hands upward towards your shoulders, while keeping your elbows at your sides.
    • Slowly return to your starting position and repeat.
  • DB x Resistance Band Lunge
    • Place the band over your shoulder.
    • Stand with one foot in front of you and one foot behind you.
    • Stand on the band with your forward foot.
    • Grab both dumbbells in each hand.
    • Go into a lunge.
      • Bend your back leg into a kneeling position.
      • Keep your knee over your ankle as your front leg moves into position.
    • Push back up to your starting position and repeat.
    • Switch to the opposite leg and repeat.
  • DB x Resistance Band Tricep Extension
    • Place the band over your shoulder.
    • Stand with one foot in front of you and one foot behind you.
    • Stand on the band with your back foot.
    • Grab one dumbbell.
    • While holding one dumbbell, press the band overhead while holding the dumbbell in a goblet position.
    • Slowly, lower the dumbbell behind your head.
    • Push arms back up to overhead extension and repeat.


  1. Grage, J. (2019). Resistance Bands vs. Free Weights. Undersun. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/2JDXRdL
  2. Lopes, J., Machado, A. F., Micheletti, J. K., de Almeida, A. C., Cavina, A. P., & Pastre, C. M. (2019). Effects of training with elastic resistance versus conventional resistance on muscular strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis. SAGE open medicine. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/3ewSQz8
  3. Moore, Rebecca. (2016). Give Home Programs a Boost with the THERABAND CLX. Performance Health Academy. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/3jGGWV7
  4. Page, P. (2013). Quantifying torque in elastic resistance exercises (Part I). Performance Health Academy. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/38kUbbo
  5. Quilty, Susan. (2020). 10 Benefits of Using Resistance Bands During Exercise. Gaiam. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/2F8oS7k

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided on this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material are for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.  

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