5 Exercises to Reduce Golfer's Elbow Pain

Man hitting golf swing
26 July 2022
5 Exercises to Reduce Golfer's Elbow Pain

If your patient has inner elbow pain, it might be golfer’s elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis. As you know, it doesn’t just affect golfers. Use these exercises for long-term improvement and pain relief.

Inner elbow pain may also indicate tennis elbow. A FlexBar can be used along with the Tyler Twist to help relieve pain.

Key Takeaways

  • Inner elbow pain may be a result of golfer’s elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis.
  • Elastic resistance bands are a great rehabilitation tool that can be used as replacements for dumbbells.

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A Research Proven Exercise

Research shows that the Reverse Tyler Twist exercise improves golfer’s elbow, even when other treatments have failed. It’s an eccentric wrist flexor exercise that’s easy to add to your patient’s physiotherapy routine.

1. THERABAND FlexBar Reverse Tyler Twist for Golfer’s Elbow

Check out this video to learn how to show your patients the proper way to do the Reverse Tyler Twist using a FlexBar.

Resistance Band Exercises

Elastic resistance band exercises are ideal because the bands are economical and more portable than traditional dumbbell weights. Use elastic resistance bands with the next two exercises to work the elbow and wrist muscles to keep them strong and balanced.

2. THERABAND Wrist Flexion

Man Using a THERABAND resistance band to aid in wrist flexion

  1. Sit in a chair and step on the ends of the THERABAND resistance band with both feet
  2. Hold the middle of the loop in your right hand with your palm up
  3. Brace your right forearm on your thigh for support
  4. Bend your wrist upward
  5. Hold and slowly return
  6. Repeat
  7. Switch to your left arm

TIP: Keep your elbow in position. Don’t use it to complete the exercise.

3. THERABAND Wrist Extension

man using THERABAND Resistance Band to aid in wrist extension

  1. In the same position as exercise two, sit in a chair with the ends of the resistance band under both feet
  2. Grasp the created loop with your right hand, palm facing down
  3. Stabilize your right forearm on your thigh
  4. Slowly bend your wrist upward, hold, and return
  5. Repeat
  6. Switch to the other side

TIP: Focus on bending your wrist and not your elbow during this exercise.

No Equipment Needed Exercises

The last two exercises don’t require any special tools—your patients can do them with a dumbbell, or even a water bottle.

4. Wrist Curls

  1. Place your forearm on the edge of the table with your hand hanging over the edge
  2. Hold a 1-2 pound weight (dumbbell, water bottle, etc.) palm up
  3. Slowly bend your wrist up and down, raising and lowering the weight
  4. Switch arms and repeat

TIP: Keep your forearm flat on the table. Let your wrist do the work.

5. Resisted Forearm Supination and Pronation

  1. Rest your forearm on your thigh or a table top, with your hand hanging off the edge
  2. Hold a 1-2 pound weight in your hand with your palm up
  3. Slowly turn your palm down and then back up
  4. Repeat
  5. Switch to the opposite side

TIP: Rotate your forearm, not your elbow.

Now that you’re ready to help your patients overcome golfer’s elbow, learn why you should choose THERABAND for all your patients’ rehabilitation needs. With a wide variety of resistance training products, THERABAND is an essential tool for every physiotherapist.


Tyler, T. F., MS, PT, ATC, Nicholas, S. J., MD, Schmitt, B. M., DPT, ATC, Mullaney, M., DPT, & Hogan, D. E., MS. (2014, May). Clinical Outcomes of the Addition of Eccentrics for Rehabilitation of Previously Failed Treatments of Golfers Elbow. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/2uflCx6

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided on this site, including text, graphics, images and other material are for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. 

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